Hi, I'm Marc Garcia, welcome to my site

I'm from Barberà del Vallès, a small city in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.
I grew up nearby an industrial environment, working since I was very young in my father's company, Mecanitzats Garfol.
In the beginning, I worked as an apprentice in the factory, and later as a mechanical designer and as an accountant.
During that period, I was studying Mechanical engineering in ESEIAAT, UPC and taking advantage of the internships that the university offered to me,
I moved to work with other companies:
Cosmic Industries, working as an intern in the Design and quality department.
Miró Complements, working as a jewellery designer.
Hyperion M&T, working as a Mechanical designer for can tooling.
After that time, I graduated and came back to Mecanitzats Garfol to work as a quality manager, working to obtain the ISO-9001 Certification.
Parallelly during those years, I participated in some projects like Creative Lab with UPC and Volkswagen group,
and MID Talent with Barcelona Centre de Disney.
Being part of these projects, opened me the window to the world of innovation, Digital Fabrication and Fablabs.
For that reason, after achieving my purpose to obtain the ISO-9001 I decided to turn my life and look for other horizons.
After a while a bit lost in this new horizons, I found a path, starting to work as a Fablab Manager in Valldaura Labs,
that allowed me to be here at Fab academy 2021.