PCB fabrication


Printed Circuit Board A PCB is a thin board made of fiberglass, composite epoxy, or other laminate material. Conductive pathways are etched or "printed" onto board, connecting different components on the PCB, such as transistors, resistors, and integrated circuits. PCBs are used in both desktop and laptop computers. They serve as the foundation for many internal computer components, such as video cards, controller cards, network interface cards, and expansion cards. These components all connect to the motherboard, which is also a printed circuit board.


Computer numerical control (CNC) has been incorporated into a variety of new technologies and machinery. One popular machine used in this form of machining is known as a CNC router. A CNC router is a machine that is very similar to the commonly used handheld router that is utilized for cutting various materials. A CNC router can aid in the cutting of materials like steel, wood, aluminum, composites, plastic, and foam. A CNC router is similar to a CNC mill. It comes with the ability to use computer numerical control to route tool paths that enable the machine to function. CNC routers reduce waste and increase productivity, producing various items in a much shorter amount of time than using other machines.


CAM Milling

Computer numerical control (CNC) has been incorporated into a variety of new technologies and machinery. One popular machine used in this form of machining is known as a CNC router. A CNC router is a machine that is very similar to the commonly used handheld router that is utilized for cutting various materials. A CNC router can aid in the cutting of materials like steel, wood, aluminum, composites, plastic, and foam. A CNC router is similar to a CNC mill. It comes with the ability to use computer numerical control to route tool paths that enable the machine to function. CNC routers reduce waste and increase productivity, producing various items in a much shorter amount of time than using other machines.



  • 1 x ATtiny45 or ATtiny85
  • 2 x 1 kΩ resistors
  • 2 x 499Ω resistors
  • 2 x 49Ω resistors
  • 2 x 3.3v Zener diodes
  • 1 x red LED
  • 1 x green LED
  • 1 x 100nF capacitor
  • 1 x pins of 2x3 pins
  • Programming FabISP

    Install Git, Install the Atmel GNU Toolchain, Install GNU Make, Install avrdude,Optionally Install AVR Studio, Install the driver in the programmer, the program Zadig Update the path.

    Individual assignment:

    make an in-circuit programmer by milling and stuffing the PCB, test it, then optionally try other PCB processes


    • It was the first time making a PCB from scratch, it was a challenge that was solved with the help of the FabLab Zoi team.
    • The programming part was very complex, it took too many steps that initially failed, once a work sequence was presented it was analyzed to find the errors along the way.
    • It is recommended to keep in mind the task of people who performed these exercises before to use them as a reference.
    • It is recommended that once the tracks are welded, check a couple of times before applying power, so as not to cause future problems at the time of programming.
    • It was a very entertaining task when it worked, but overwhelming when programming was not possible. Blood, sweat and tears.
