Principle & Practices
Exciting journey of Fab Academy start with Neil's lecture.In first lecture he introduced all fab nodes.
Then he told about first assignment that is web development and project sketch.
The way he told it feels very interesting.After Neil's lecture ,on next day I discussed with my local instructor.
We discussed about project.Then I started working on my first assignment.
Final Project Idea And its Sketch:
As I from rural area I know the problems in rural area.One of the big issue is water management.
So I decided to work on this problem.What does mean by Automated water management system?
In Vigyan Ashram,we have water scarcity issues because PABAL is drought prone region.
So how to stop water wastage issue?This topic discussed with our director Yogesh Kulkarni Sir and with Dixit Sir.
In discussion we discussed various solution ,problems and how we will work on it.
How our solution is effective than others solutions?
Also how much this project is important in rural area or in any sector,these all points are discussed in our discussion.
Automated water management system for hostel
Need of project:
Need of this project is to avoid wastage of water.Because sometimes people forget to off the motor when tank is full,
because of that water get wasted.To avoid this problem this project came into picture.
By using this water level indicator system we can monitor water level and consumption of water.
Second thing is to On or Off the motor one specific person is required to monitor it manually.
If that person forget to off the motor then water will get wasted.
In Vigyan Ashram there are so many tanks,so to handle all these tanks are difficult.
Pabal is drought prone region so there are lot of water scarcity in summer days.
People will get
water in alternate days.To avoid such problems I decided to do this project.
My colleague Pooja did project on Dam Water Level Indicator.In this project she worked on indication of water level in dam.
This is link of her project. Final Project.It mean how much water is remaining in Dam is displayed on display.
With reference to this project I have extended my project as I will keep data log of water consumption and display of water level.
To sense the water level different types of sensors are available in market.I will going to use ultrasonic sensor to sense the water level.To ON/OFF the pump relay will be used.
Percentage of water level and motor ON/OFF indication message will go to mobile app and data log of water usage also displayed on mobile app.We can also control motor using mobile app.So I am planning to design mobile app which will be user friendly.
Tools I am going to use :
To design casing I will use "Fusion 360"or "Coreldraw"
To cut that casing I will use "Laser Cutter".
For making stickers I will use "Vinyl Cutter".
For making of pcb design I will use "Eagle" software.
For making my final project PCB I will use "SRM-20" pcb milling machine.
I will make my own programmer and input,ouput board for programming and interfacing.
Benefits :
Log of consumption of water on daily basis.
Power will be saved.
Save money by using less electricity and water.
Sends an alert to let you know water is too high or low.
Automatically adjusts water level.
Applications :
Can be used in factories,apartments,home,school.
Irrigation control.
♦Project Planning♦
What is Gantt Chart?
Gantt chart is a useful tool in planning and scheduling the projects.
A gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that visually represents a project plan over time.
On the chart,tasks are shown on the vertical axis while the scheduled time spend is laid out on the horizontal axis.
Each task is represented by a bar that shows the time required for the project.
There are different tools to make gantt chart. We can make using Excel also we can make it using online template.
First I have tried on excel but I feel it is difficult.
So I searched another tool which is "Gantt project."This tool is very simple for making project planning.
I made gantt chart using Gantt project software.
Here are some screenshots of my Gantt chart:
Figure shows the window of Gantt project.I have shown arrow which is indicating how to add task in your file.
You have to add task name, start date and end date.
Here I am ready with my Gantt chart which is showing all task of my final project.
Apart from Gantt chart I have got PERT chart also.From using one software I have made two charts.
Web Development
Fab journey begins with exciting task which is web development.In first lecture Neil told about project management.
In first week I started working on web development.As I am Electronics engineer I never made any website.
I even don't know the different languages for making website.So I started learning about langauges.
From this I get to know that there are diffrent languages like CSS,Javascript ,HTML.
But I feel HTML is easy to learn.I learned syntax of HTML from W3school.
I have tried different syntax for background image,font size,alignment and text color.
For developing my website I gone through different editiors like notepad++,atom,sublime,bracket.I have used notepad++ and bracket.But I found bracket is easy to use and we can take live preview there.So I decided to use bracket editior.Also for website template I reffered lots of templates ,from that I selected one template.
For developing my website I used below template and editior.
Template Used:Nickie
Editor Used:
Brackets is a source code editor with a primary focus on web development.It is free and open-source software licensed under the MIT License. It is written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Brackets is cross-platform, available for macOS, Windows, and most Linux distributions.The main purpose of Brackets is its live HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing functionality.
Brackets is a source code editor with a primary focus on web development.It is free and open-source software licensed under the MIT License. It is written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Brackets is cross-platform, available for macOS, Windows, and most Linux distributions.The main purpose of Brackets is its live HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing functionality.
For web development I used downloaded html template for my website named as" Nickie".I edited whole format of this template.
For making of website to make changes editor is required so I tried Notepad++ and Bracket editor.
But I found bracket is easy to use and we can take live preview there.
Here are some screenshots of my learning and website from W3 School
From figure we can see Body of HTML.After doing changes when we click run button changes will reflect in side window.
How image can be added to our website ,how height and width of image can be decided that we can see here.
To make website attractive I searched for how to change text color ,how to make it bold or italic.I learned so many new syntax.
For changing the alignment of image or text there is syntax for that so I applied that.
I have written about me and also I have added my photo also.
I have made icon for each assignment.By clicking on it you can see whole assignment.
Also I have made provision for going back to homepage.Homepage link is given to assignment file.
Version Control:
Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later.There are different version controls like Mercurial,dropbox and Git.Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool. It efficiently handles projects of any size and offers an easy and intuitive interface.Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.So I am using Git as version control to push my website.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.It can be used to track changes in any set of files.Basically git is content tracker.Git serves as the foundation for many services, like GitHub and GitLab, but you can use Git without using any other service.This means that you can use Git privately or publicly.(wikipedia)
To push website on fabcloud I need Git account.Below are the steps of how I opened my Git account.
First go to and creat your account
Download Git.exe from gitbash and install it.
Now install the Gitbash setup and open it .To access the fabcloud or for further processes we need gitbash.
We will use some commands in gitbash to access fabcloud.
Here is my profile.
SSH Key Generation:SSH key is to establish secure communication between your computer and Git server hosting your repository. This to make sure that no one can access your Git account.
Without SSH key you can only use the web interface.Run command for generating SSH key.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -b 4096
Copy and paste the SSH key: To copy the SSH key use command.
cat ~/.ssh/ | clip
To check whether our account is created or not use command
ssh -T
After confirmation run command which is git clone.
This command pull data in your directory.After that we can add our website file in our downloaded folder.
Before using git with gitlab you have to run two commands
$ git config --global "snehal.gawali"
$ git config --global""
For pull,push and commit need to run following command
Whatever data we pushed on cloud that data we can take in our cloned folder by using this git pull command.
The git add command adds a change in the working directory to the staging area.
It tells Git that we want to include updates to a particular file in the next commit.
A commit is a set of one or more changes to a file(or a set of files).
Every time we save, it creates a unique ID(“hash”) which helps it keep track of the history.
The git push command is used to upload local repository content to a remote repository.
Pushing is how we transfer commits from our local repository to a remote repo.
This is the screenshot of pushed data on repo.
During the process of first push I uploaded whole folder in gitlab because of this I got error which is showing error for uploading my website.From this I understood that I need to push content of folder which will show html file.So I deleted my folder and pushed all files,as a result it is showing my website on fabcloud.
Screenshot showing how I pushed wrong folder:
Video Conference:
For video conference there are many softwares like Zoom,Skype,JeetSi.For video conference we are using Zoom.All lecture conducted by Neil run through zoom.Our regional reviews conducted on Jeet-si ,because its free software.
Here is the student agreement signed by me.
Learning Outcome:
Exciting journey of Fab started with final Project sketch and web development.During the finalization of project I learned many things like how to decide your project ,what will be the steps for project,How to sketch your project.Also for making project plan I made Gantt chart which is new concept for me.In web development making of website is difficult task because I havent made it before .For that I learned HTML language using W3school website.