Week_13 - Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income


Individual assignment:
  • Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project

  • Individual assignment

    This week is about inventions and intellectual property, how to defend your rights for inventions you have done. We have to develop a plan for dissemination of the final project.

    Idea behind my project
    The important question I ask at the very beginning is this: Why do I take part in the Fab Academy project and why do I spend a lot of time in my daily work helping people to run projects, increase digital and technological competence? Because I have the knowledge and skills to do so. Moreover, it can help those who do not have the opportunity to go to an expensive school or a course that is not available to them. Most of my social projects that we do in Robisz.these are aimed at people who are excluded in different ways, whether financial or social. Through my projects I want to give new opportunities to people regardless of their status. So when it comes to the financial aspect I will manage my project for everyone but I also want it to develop and change because working on this device is supposed to give me fun and people who will work on it. Below I will try to answer some of the most important questions related to further development of the project.

    Canvas business model

    More about Canvas

    Customer services
    target audience of the project
  • computer graphics
  • makers
  • students of schools of arts
  • audio and video editors
  • universities

    Value propositions
    the most important values it wants to deliver with this product
  • Easy to use Visual and Audio software
  • mobility at work
  • simplicity
  • Increasing efficiency at work
  • gaining new skills while assembling a DIY kit

    How to deliver the product, and how to communicate with product customers
  • Social medias
  • thingiverse
  • website
  • workshops

    Customer Relationships
  • openmind for new ideas
  • videos and photos of ppl using and creating this device
  • open source so everyone can freely change whatever they want and share it on website or social media

    Revenue Streams
    that is how the project will be profitable or how it will be financed Because he wants the product to be under an open license, everyone will be able to create their own version of the device, but this does not mean that he will not be able to be financed in any other way than selling the finished product
  • donation option when downloading files (similar to what it is on arduino site)
  • sale of finished electronic kits for DIY
  • sale of full sets to be assembled together with a printed case
  • support and grants from companies distributing programs using manipulators

    Key Resources
    critical resources
  • universities for marketing among students
  • community
  • A company that makes electronics
  • fablab for prints and workshops

    Key Activities
  • Workshops
  • attending several industry events

    key Partnerships
  • universities
  • tech companies
  • graphic software companies
  • Fablab
  • graphic/video/audio studios
  • tech influencers
  • makers community

    Cost structure
    We have already deducted the cost of the device during Applications and Implications week. So below I will add possible additional costs that you can expect
  • web server
  • online marketing
  • cooperation in conducting social media
  • participating in several industry events
  • to create several demonstration devices that can be passed on to influencers

    Intellectual property
    Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. IP is protected in law by, for example, patents, copyright and trademarks, which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create. Most known types of intellectual property are :

  • Copyright - Copyright is a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over their literary and artistic works.
  • Patents - A patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention. Generally speaking, a patent provides the patent owner with the right to decide how - or whether - the invention can be used by others. In exchange for this right, the patent owner makes technical information about the invention publicly available in the published patent document.
  • Trademarks - A trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises.
  • Industrial design - An industrial design constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article. A design may consist of three-dimensional features, such as the shape or surface of an article, or of two-dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or color.
  • Geographical indications - Geographical indications and appellations of origin are signs used on goods that have a specific geographical origin and possess qualities, a reputation or characteristics that are essentially attributable to that place of origin. Most commonly, a geographical indication includes the name of the place of origin of the goods.
  • Trade secrets - Trade secrets are IP rights on confidential information which may be sold or licensed. The unauthorized acquisition, use or disclosure of such secret information in a manner contrary to honest commercial practices by others is regarded as an unfair practice and a violation of the trade secret protection.

    LICENCE I choosed

    Because I want the product to be under an open license, everyone will be able to create their own version of the device. This does not mean that this project will not be able to be financed in any other way than selling. Finished product will have donation option when downloading files (similar to what it is on arduino site) or PureRef. Other option is selling of finished electronic kits for DIY sale of full sets to be assembled together with a 3d printed shell. In addition, an interesting option may be to support the developers of raster and vector graphics software, who may want to add interesting activities to their applications in this way.

    all files from projects