Week 03
For this assigment decided to try some programs:
Begining with Gimp I draw by hand a FabLab logo, take a picture and started to manipulate with the tools Gimp have.
Working with Inkscape!
Inkscape its a great vector graphics tool, I have long time working with it, you can draw and use the bunch of plugins that have by default or install newones to improve its performance.
for the practice a just insert the image that previously clean in gimp and coverted to vectors doing:
Showing how to draw with inkscape I prepare some basic shapes like ellipses polygons and rectangles.
There are a lot of tools in inkscape to show that are very useful to create professional results even to print or to use with the prototyping equipment.
I really enjoyed to use this software in windows or Ubuntu based Gnu/Linux distros.
As a plus I can point that can use CorelDraw to vectorize and prepare documents to cut with laser and CNC router machines.
I can tell that I´m really new with the parametric design but I tried to use this nice program, I imported the vectorized image and use some tools to weld the curves and make a 3D with that.
Used the Sketch desig part workbench
I discovered that you have to dedicate some time to understand how the the tools works because its a bit different than the commercial software dedicated to this king of design, even its different I will try to move to work more with it.
Final Project