
Here's my picture when I was in North Vietnam with the background of Southern part of China.

Hi! I'm Noel Kristian, in short Noel. I am a chemical engineer by training and have been working in Singapore Polytechnic as a lecturer since 2010. I obtained my PhD from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. My PhD research was on electro-chemistry, specifically on the development of low-cost Fuel Cell technology. I enjoy hands-on activities and the Fab Academy tagline "You can make almost anything" really intrigued me. The closest experiences to fabrication that I have are designing and building fuel cells from its parts. Despite not having electrical/mechanical/computer engineering background, I hope I can learn and put all the skills that Fab Academy offer into practice and also to inspire my students to join the maker movement. Besides that, I also enjoy traveling to new places especially South East Asian countries. There are many exotic and beautiful places that I haven't explored yet, so if you have any recommendations, just message me via instagram/facebook/email.

Fab Academy Student Agreement

I am a Fab Academy student, responsible for:

- Attending class lectures and participating in reviews

- Developing and documenting projects assigned to introduce and demonstrate skills

- Honestly reporting on my work, and appropriately attributing the work of others

- Working safely

- Leaving workspaces in the same (or better) condition than I found them

- Participating in the upkeep of my lab

- Ensuring that my tuition to cover local and central class costs is covered

- Promoting a respectful environment free of harassment and discrimination