Project Developments

My project streamed the camera video as an interactive art piece, but set the time to 60 seconds earlier to show the past.
1. First, create an ESP-CAM and ESP32 board so that each other can display video using Wi-Fi networks.
2. Second, use two TFT displays.
3.3Dprinting and laser cutter are used to implement the shape.
What you need to prepare for this process
● Creating ESP32-CAM and ESP32-S Board
● Cam test and TFT display test
● 3D printer components Clearance and tolarence Test
● Material Purchase and Processing
● To assemble
Why did you choose to prioritise these things?
●The reason why programming and input output were prioritized is because it had to be accurate so that the design could be more appropriate. I thought it was important to test first and do the perfect function first because how many lines were connected, the spacing between components and the necessary components could be present.
How did you estimate how long things would take?
●Because in the case of programming, there were many variables, so we had to invest a long time. Therefore, I gave a lot of time to the plan by prioritizing the functions between programming and input output.
How did you ensure you stuck to time?
●Even if we didn't finish the plan the day before, we didn't postpone the plan the next day.

what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
● Overall form
● TFTDisplay and CAM WIFI connection
● 60sec delay streaming
● make 2 ESP32-S Board
● Smooth Streaming
● Use different displays (streaming in different times)
what has worked? what hasn't?
● When the camera is activated, the TFT will stream from the first screen after 60 seconds.
● Wi-Fi recognition
●fit well in center of gravity
● Smooth Streaming
● Use different displays (streaming in different times)
what questions need to be resolved?
● Another display libarary will find(HX8753)
● Stream using 8pin mode
what will happen when?
Ater 3 week
● We will use 8pin mode to send data faster.
● It will show another time using a different display.
● Another display can be used to indicate another time.g
● You can use a different camera to show the past time from a different perspective.
● If they make another form of the same shape, they can look at each other and be lazy about each other's different time.
what have you learned?
● Programming time may not be proportional. Programming and correcting errors can take a long time and can be left. So let's make sure we have plenty of time.
● I got used to making the overall board. I was worried because it was my first time, but I learned a lot as much as I invested time. Especially, what are the pros and cons of ESP Femily!
● Always check the board with a multitester before soldering.
● ne-day dog doesn't know how scary it is. My first goal was to use 10 displays. You have to be humble!!
● Smooth Streaming
● Other than me, other people's projects are like my homework! Helping and thinking together helped me a lot!
Final project Link : Link