
[Principles and Practices] [Project Management] [Computer-Aided Design] [Computer-Controlled Cutting] [Electronic Production] [3D Scanning and Printing] [Electronic Design] [Computer-Controlled Machining] [Embedded Programming] [Molding and Casting] [Input Devices] [Output Devices] [Applications and Implications] [Break] [Networking and Communications] [Mechanical Design] [Interface and Application Programming] [Machine Design] [Wildcard Week] [Invention, IP and Income]
Project Managment
I work on a mac.
The mac has parallels to run windows as well, specially for Soliworks.
I use OneDrive to keep all my work assignments.

As I work, I do my best to collect Proof of Work (POW).  I use an iphone and an ipad to collect the pow.  I airdrop the collections to the Mac, and then organize them into the assignment work folders in my OneDrive.

Using Brackets I update the website.
Using Terminal, I upload the webste files to Gitlabs.  See protocol below.
Ensure you are in your master directory.
git add -A
git commit -m "text"
git push

you will be asked for a password if you created one at this time.  While you are typing, it will not show.  enusre you are hitting the correct keys.

At times after the <git push> commnad, you will get an error, stating that you will have to use <git pull> first.  So before <git add -A> use <git pull>

Things to Note

Resize images: I use image converter to resize images.

Use video services, such as youtube, to share video.  I am also using youttube for content management.


Content Management
As we work thoughout the project, we are to collect media and proof of work (POW).  I collect imags and notes of my work while I am working on  the assignments.  I bring things together while machines are cutting, dipositing etc.

Project Management
Learning: working together to learn, but not neceassary as a team when it comes to producing our own work.

Agile Principles: walking in the dark. 
Test often, fail forward, fail in small bits.  Pivot, and adapt. 
Cut the cake vertically, to taste as much of the process as you can. 
No one cuts a cake horizontal.
MVP is the name of the game,

Modular design
This is a similar idea to the MVP concept, but specifically to technical design.  Essentially, the design is subdivided into independant componentes.  Each component is independant, but makes the whole design when put together.  This is good for resuing parts, troubleshooting.  It is also good for time management, since you can plan your time to work on pieices of the design instead of everything at once.


The Fab Charter
The best of you is the most beneficial of you.  That has to be in context of the person being served.  What is beneficil is a constat negotiation.

The two brothers talked about using FabAcademy to help others, and to create a specific culture in mind,  This is a the heart of making.  The heart is eeasily won over to the darkside, very rationally, but never reasonably.

Creating the Website

I used a very simple design for the website to allow for quick documentation.
1. I created a template and used it as a master sheet.  I'd copy past that sheet and change the details for each page.
2. The buttons in the index page were handwritten using an apple pencil in iOS notes.  Then I would import them and link them to the appropriate pages.
3. I found myself getting more comfortable with using Brackets as time went by.  I would do spelling corrections and slight chnages directly onto GitLab after publishing. 
4. I collected sinippets of code that has to do with organizing images into rows and columns from various places.