Project Devolopment

For this assignment we had complete your final project tracking your progress.

Learning outcomes:

  • Implement project plan.
  • Apply time management techniques.
  • Summarise and communicate the essence of your project development

  • Assignment Questions

      1- What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

      At this stage of my project development which was by the date of 10/08/2020, I have completed most of my major tasks and I was ready to present my project. Since fabacademy started I made sure to relate my assignment to my final project idea. Thankfully, this helped me work efficiently and save plenty of of time when documenting my progress.

      2- What has worked? what hasn't?

    My intial project idea included multipe aspects as mentioned below:

      1- Live tracking of machine use: the device should register use name and timing of using the machine
      2- Consumables tracking: the user should select the type and dimension of consumables used
      3- RFID Access point: The use should scan his membership card to use the machine
      4- Easy use of device: User will go through an easy UI and select from a menu using rotary encoder and LCD display screen.
      5- Remote control of machine: The device will give the fablab stuff control of the time spent using the machine. The machine should TURN OFF automatically if time ended or non autherised user access the machine
      6- Sound Alarm: The plan was to include a sound output when access is denied or when time of use is ended.
    So what has worked? I managed to cover successfully point 1 to point 4 and point 5, 6 were not completed. I tried my best to cover all points however that was difficult since my project involves many aspects and based on the feedback obtained by my local instructor, was to focus on the main object of my project which were points 1 to 4.

      3- What questions need to be resolved?

    The main question that need to be solved is whether my device will be practical and help monitor the use of machines at the fablab? and Will the device help the fablab users to forcats the amount and type of consumables need for fablab machines?

      4- what will happen when?

    The below table represent my project devolopment timeline. I tried to divide the project to small tasks and set a deadline for each task. this method helped me to be responsable and finalise the work.


    After finishing my fabacademy course, and as a future plan is to improve my project and add the addional aspects mentioned previously to acheive the desired product.

      5- what have you learned?

    As a Mechanical Engineer, I had no background in electronics programming, PCB design and soldering. My final project 3D design and printing, were very simple comparing to what I have practiced in University and work experience. However, the electronics systems in my project was the main challenging aspect. I had to learn by practicing and ready multiple resources. It took me time to solder by functioning PCB and much longer time to program a PCB and operate it. Finally I was able to learn alot and enjoy the experience.