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6. 3D Scanning and printing

Group assignment

  • test the design rules for your 3D printer(s)

Group assignment document

Individual assignment

  • design and 3D print an object (small, few cm3, limited by printer time) that could not be made subtractively
  • 3D scan an object (and optionally print it)


I bought own 3D printer on the end of March. I have tested it and it seems that it works very well. So, I decided to use that 3D assignment, because Fab Lab was closed cause of COVID 19. That is reason why my object is not printed by subractively.

Plan to work flow

  1. Research
  2. 3D printing
  3. Designing
  4. Printing
  5. 3D scanning
  6. Conclusion


3D printing

To print 3D object model have to first convert STL format then g code format. G code format is not universal , it is almost univ for printer type. So, when you make g code file, you must know precisely what printer you use. So I updated my workflow in 3D printing.

I used my own 3D printer FlashForge Finder 2.0. It cost 349€ in local store.

3D printing

  • Designing
  • G-code generating
  • Printing

3D scanning

Rapid marketing research told me that there are lots of devices and apps for smart phone to 3d scanning.

In Fab Lab Oulu I used hand held 3D scanner Sense 3D scanner. First I installed Sense 3D scanner software.

Updated work flow 3D scanning

  • Software installing
  • Scanning
  • Test

3D printing


I tested also Autodesk Fusion 360. Fusion was very easy used. But I decided to use FreeCAD also in this assignment.

Step 1: I open FreeCAD

Step 2 : I chose Part Design workbench.

Step 3: Then I chose Create new…

Step 4: I chose Create body

Step 5: I chose Create sketch

Step 6: Then I decided in witch plane I want to draw sketch. So, I chose XZ_Plane (Base plane)

Step 7: Now I got plane XZ where I drew sketch. I zoomed by rolling mouse wheel.

Step 8: Then I started to drew half cross-section of object by choosing Create a polyline in the sketch. First I drew outside lines of object.

Step 9: I started to draw base to chose origo (x=0, Z=0) and then second point (x=30, Z=0)

Step 10: I chose third point (x=0, Z=26).Then I interrupted Create a polyline by pressed button ESC

Step 11: I started draw polyline of inside by choosing origo point (x=0, Z=0) then points (x=0, Z=5), (x=20, Z=5) and (x=0, Z=35)

Step 12: Now I got half cross-section of object.

Step 13: Then I started define dimensions of object. First defined dimension of base line by choose Fix the horizontal distance between two points or line ends.

Step 14: I clicked base line. Then I accepted length 30 mm by pressing OK button.

Step 15: I defined dimension of height by choose Fix the vertical distance between two points or line ends. Then I gave right dimension 40 mm and accepted new length by pressing OK button.

Step 16: Sometimes sketch breaks when you give constraints such as dimensions. Hence I gave constraint again that points have to be same. I chose Create a coincident constraint on the selected item. Then I clicked both points.

Step 17: Now I got constraint to that point.

Step 18: I made rest of dimensions by same way.

Step 19: Finally my sketch was ready.

Step 20: I turned to plain XZ(Front) again by using navigation cube on the right side.

Step 21: Then I revolved sketch around Z-axis by choosing Revolve a selected sketch.

Step 22: Now I got 3D object. I approved it pressing button OK

Step 23: Then I make mesh to object by choosing Mesh Design workbench.

Step 24: Then I chose Create mesh from shape…

Step 25: Now I got meshed object

Step 26: At last I exported object in STL formats by choosing Export…

Step 27: I named it Part01.

G-code generating

Step 1: I opened FlashPrint software to make .g code file.

Step 2: First I loaded Part0.stl file by pressing Load button.

Step 3: Now I got object to print space.

Step 4: Then I started to make .g code file by pressing Print button. I checked initial values. Then I pressed OK button.

Step 5: I named file to Part01.gx and saved it to memory stick.

Step 6: Then software started to generate g code file.

Step 7: When g code file was ready I checked new Part01.gx file.

Step 8: First I checked that there was hole inside the object by checking printing layers. I considered that layer 60 could be good moment to interrupt printing and put coin inside.

Step 9: Note that software informed you

  • Estimated print time: 1 hour and 21 minutes
  • Estimated material right / Filament length: 5.29m


I putted memory stick to printer. I chose Build from interface and then Part01.gx from memory stick. I started printing. I interrupted printing to put 20 cents coin to inside object. After that I continued printing normaly. Printing took 1 hour and 20 minutes.

3D scanning

First I tested some smart phone apps. But there were not so good for scanning. I decided to use Sense 3D scanner.

Software installing (Sense 3D scanner)

I downloaded software from Customer Support Center page: Customer Support Center page. I chose Sense (Windows 10 64 bit). Note that device have to be connected to computer.

3D scanning process (Sense 3D scanner)

I chose Object and then Small Object. Then software was ready to scanning.

I circled around object by scanning. Then got .obj file.

I scanned some objects. First was 3D printed Cubic with hole. Then spiral object.


I noticed that it is very important that platform, were object lying, must be as varying as possible. It is better that there are lots of colors. Light should be bright during scanning.


  • 3D printing was very nice assignment. I am very pleased for my own printer.
  • Question: Is my object made by subtractively (coin inside object)?
  • Main idea subtractive manufacturing is that we remove material from raw material. So, it is not possible manufacture hollow object by using for example CNC mill (subtractive manufacturing). Only using additive manufacturing like 3D printing it is possible to make hollow object.
  • 3D scanning was not success first. I test couple apps for smart phone. Then I used Fab Lab handheld scanner Sense 3D scanner. That was better as apps.
  • Group work helped to understand that there are different 3D printers with different features. Some cheap printers could be very relevant to some works. It is important know always printer accuracy. There are several different material, which is possible to use in 3D printing. Group work help me to bought own 3D printer. I knew that what is process to make 3D printing
  • Design > .STL file > .g code > and printing


3D printing files:

.FCStd file for Part01

.stl file for Part01

.gx file for Part01

3D scanning

.stl file for Cubic

.stl file for Spiral