Output devices đ
đ Date / Time:
Hello there..^^. Hope a large smile finds its way to your face inspite off all the panic that COVID-19 pendemic is causing <3 ^^. Let's hope everything will be fine now that we're on the 9th week of Fab Academy.. ^^
A) Group Assignment:
Measure the power consumption of an output device.
Document your work (in a group or individually).
B) Individual Assignment:
Add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed and program it to do something.
Output circuit function:
For this week I designed an output circuit that functions as follows:
The circuit basically sweeps a servo motor by changing from an angle to another in a particular speed, with an LED being lit while the motor is moving.
Output circuit desgin:
I. Schematic diagram:
I started my design based on hello echo board so, less time was consumed designing this circuit as I'm strating to get more & more comfortable and much more familiar with electronics design tools and the process of routing.
And here you can see the schematic diagram of my output circuit.

II. PCB design & routing:
Organising the PCB was relatively easy this time except for the wire crossing issue I told you about that led me to use an zero ohm resistor as a jumper wire after _honestly_ a considerable time spent in failed trials.
Here comes Awesome PCB no.03 ..^^

Output circuit Coding:
int servoPin = 7; int LED= 8; int myAngle; int pulseWidth; void setup () { pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(servoPin, OUTPUT); } void servoPulse(int servoPin, int myAngle) { pulseWidth = (myAngle * 10) + 600; digitalWrite(servoPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(pulseWidth); digitalWrite(servoPin, LOW); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); } void loop() { for (myAngle=50; myAngle<=120; myAngle++) { servoPulse(servoPin, myAngle); delay(20); } for (myAngle=120; myAngle>=50; myAngle--) { servoPulse(servoPin, myAngle); delay(20); } }
Output circuit manufacturing :
Unfortunately, I forgot to take a photo of the milled PCB before soldering the components. đ

Aparently it wouldn't be me if all went well without any problems or stupid mistakes.đđ
The really strange mistke this time was that I somehow designed the circuit as if servo pins order is (Ground , Signal, +5V) and all terminals of servo motors on earth are known to be (Ground , +5V , Signal). đ¤Ļââī¸đ¤Ļââī¸
I really don't know or remember why or how I did this annoying mistake ><. But thank Allah it was something that could be overcame with the help of 3 female-male jumper wires.đđ
Functioning output circuit:
Downloadables: đž
Arduino File.inoHere
Eagle CAD Files .sch & .brdHere
Note: I fixed the order of the servo pins in the eagle files provided. ^^
Šī¸ Row'a M. M. Othman - Fab Academy 2020