Electronics Design 📋

🕘 Date / Time:

Hello there..^^. Hope a large smile finds its way to your face ^^. Everything is awesome on the sixth week of Fab Academy.. ^^ We had a group assignment and Individual assignment just like last week. ^^


A) Group Assignment:

This week's assignment was to use the test equipment in our lab to observe the operation of a microcontroller circuit board.


B) Individual Assignment:

My assignment for this week is to redraw an echo hello world board adding at leats an LED and a button and program that circuit using the ISP.

Echo circuit hardware:

For the redrawing and PCB design I used Eagle CAD.I chose to use it because I had an previous experience with it _little as it was but still it was there once_, and there is a "fab library" for almost all the components we're going to use in the academy.
My first idea of a functioning circuit, was one that has music in it, user pushes a button, an LED is lit and a tune is played. So, I tried to make that work.

A) Circuit Schematic Diagram:

1- I downloaded "Fab library" here and put it in the equivilant of "C:\Users\Row'a\Documents\EAGLE\libraries" on your laptop :D.
2- I opened eagle, created a new project, a new schematic and started adding parts.
3- I loaded the library into Eagle.
4- I drew the main circuit first.
5- Then added the extra components.

Step 01: New schematic, libraries menu > Open library manager > "In Use" tab > Browse > go to the location where you put the library >> and click "Add".
Step 02: After adding all the original Hello board parts _from fab library, I started wiring them togethetr.
Step 03: Adding the extra parts, An LED, a push button and a speaker.
Step 04: Connected the extra components to the controller as well as the needed resistors.

After that step, the computer shuts down, the schematic was not saved and I had to redraw it. Then I decided to change the push button to a slide switch and cancelled the speaker as the actual components were too large to put on my circuit in mind.

Step 05: The circuit redrawn, the only changes done were the ground symbol, the FTDI connector part was mirrored in the previous version, that was undone, as I supposed it was not quite a right thing to do.
Step 06: Here is when I decided to get rid of the speaker, replace it with the two LEDs. And replaced the push button with a slide switch as well.

Then it was time to do the routing. Because it was my first time designing a PCB on Eagle CAD, I thought "Auto Routing" was the thing people usually use to get the routing done. So I tried it several times and the closest I was to an appropiate routing was 86%.
I consulted a college, did some research and found out that auto routing is in fact the least recommended method and that it's preferable for the PCB maker to design his own routing.

I drew a free hand manual routing sketch in order to arrange my added components and be able to connect them properly. It was easier to start from the original PCB.
Putting some thinking into it I figured out that I'll have to change the LEDs from pins (A2 & A3) to pins (A7 & B2) as they only need signal and ground yet the slide switch needs signal, VCC and ground so that I moved it to pin A2 to be able to reach a ground and VCC.

The first arrangement where there was no room for a switch.
The second arrangement where everything is in place.
Step 07: And here is the final schematic that is ready to be turned into a PCB.

B) PCB Design:

And now that I have my schematic all done, it's time my first CAD PCB ever ^^.
1- Clicked on "generate / switch to board".
2- There I found all of my components scrambled together on the left and the connections between them are in the form of air wires.
3- I started organizing them in places just like the sketch I drew.
4- Rotated some of the components to match the sketch and to have minimum air wires crossings.
5- Did the routing, did the Design Rule Check AKA "DRC" and all was well.
6- Turned off all layers except for the Top layer with the traces.
7- Zoomed in my PCB so that it could fit the window, exported the traces as Image (Monochrome, 500 dpi, Window) then Ok. ^^

Step 08: That's what we get when we first generate a board and load the parts from a schematic diagram. All scrambled outside of the design area.
Step 09: After moving the circuit parts into the design area and distributed them roughly to their places.
Step 10: Then we rotate the parts so as to decrease air wires crossings as much as possible.
Step 11:Now that everything is in place we are ready to do the routing. A few more routs and we get our happy circuit.^^
The job is pretty much nothing as the routing was already designed in the free hand sketch.

C) Creating PCB Outline:

Steps for creating an outline usin Gimp:

1- Open the PCB image with Gimp.
2- From "layer" menu, add a new layer in white (The same size of the PCB image).
3- From "Layer" menu add another layer but in black.
4- While selecting the black layer, get to "Layer" menu then select "Layer Boundary Size".
5- Change "Layer Size" into millimeters.
6- Increase width and height each by 2 mm.
7- Then Press "Center" then "Resize".

Doing that we would have 3 layers of images, make sure they are put in order the small white one 1st then the black then you can hide the pcb itself or put it last. then save that image as png to then use it in "fab modules".

Increasing the layer boundary size by 1 mm in width and height, then centering the image.
The final outline image to be saved as .png (with the PCB hidden).

D) Manufacturing:

Having the PCB traces and outline it was time for fab moduleas an that was illustrated in details in electronics production week.

Here is the double face tape on the back of the FR1 sheet to be fixed onto the machhine working bed.
Here is my Awesome PCB 01 being manufactured / milled usiing MDX-40A. ^^
voilààààà ^^

D) Soldering:

After milling my lovely PCB the only thing left was to solder my SMD components on it then give programming a try a week from now on embedded programming.

A hero shot of my Awesome PCB no.01. :)))

Note: that I discovered later on (on embedded programming week) that the slider switch is connected in a wrong way and I won't use it.

E) Testing code:

  const int Red = 7;

  void setup(){
            pinMode(Red, OUTPUT);
  void loop() {
  //Get Ready
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
             digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
             digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
           digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
           digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
           digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
           digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);
            digitalWrite(Red, HIGH);
            digitalWrite(Red, LOW);

Bye Rowa in morse code. ❤


Downloadables: 💾

Eagle CAD Files .sch & .brdHere
Arduino File.inoHere

©️ Row'a M. M. Othman - Fab Academy 2020