Invention, Intellectual Property, and Income


Develop a plan for dissemination of your final project.
prepare drafts of your summary slide and video clip

Project dissemination Plan

I am going to make this project as an open source non-commercial project, because I think this is a good way to share knowledge and let others get benefit from previous work done.

The project is prototype and need ulteration to make it a commercial product. I want to make atleast two mobile robot like this for my lab which help to carry things to us. This mobile robot is helping hand to any lab/workstation or in factory. In future, I am planning to add voice recongition so it can follow the voice instructions as well.

To make it commercial I need few people from business background to make it's financal and marketing plan in order to attract good invester.


There are different licenses that are used to protect the owner/creator right as well as give permission of it's usage. Out of all, I feel that two licenses are good for my project and I fouced on these licenses, one is MIT license and Creative common license.

MIT license

The MIT License is a permissive free software license originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1980s. As a permissive license, it puts only very limited restriction on reuse and has, therefore, high license compatibility. It is compatible because it can be re-licensed under other licenses.

Creative Commons

One of the most used license now a days. Great help to makers community. I will use this for my project. It is free, simple and easy to use. Provides standardized way to give the public permission to share and use your creative work ” on conditions of your choice".

There are many types of creative common license that we can choose.


Summary Slide of Final Project

Final Demo

I will use this license

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Contact me

you can get in touch with me

Engr. Farhan Ali Shah


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woods are lovely dark and deep, but i promise to keep. Miles to go before i sleep, miles to go before i sleep.