Applications and Implications


Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered

What will it do?

For Final project, I want to make Mobile robot with robotic arm. Robot will be with Omni wheels so it can go in any direction. It will have camera at front which can rotates around and send the visuals. 3DOF (degree of freedom) robotic arm will be placed on top of mobile robot. End factor will be suction cup connected with pump and pneumatic value to control its suction (when to create suction and when to leave). These all will be controlled by using mobile app via Bluetooth.

Who's done what beforehand?

Idea is not new as many companies are making these types of robots for industries to replace the human labor. Out of which KUKA robotics is one best company which is working on robotics and providing the solution. These are very advanced high end systems and also costmore.

KUKA Mobile robot

eing robotics engineer, I always want low cost robotic solutions. So this inspires me to finalize this project.

What will you design?

I am trying to make complete system by my own. I am going to design the Omni wheel, chase, Robotic arm, microcontroller based circuit and Android app to control. For robotic arm I have two ideas. First one is Laser cut and second one is 3D print. As I am going to make robotic arm in a little bit big size, so I prefer the first idea of laser cutting on acrylic.

What materials and components will be used?

Where will come from?

he most of Electronics components (Acrylic and pla) will be borrowed from lab. Following are items which I will buy from outside sources

How much will they cost?

Bill of Material

Note: No. 6 is Dynamixel Servo motor. We can replace dynamixel with any servo motor then cost will be different as mentioned in total(without dynamixel)

What parts and systems will be made?

What processes will be used?

What questions need to be answered?

How will it be evaluated?

Contact me

you can get in touch with me

Engr. Farhan Ali Shah


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woods are lovely dark and deep, but i promise to keep. Miles to go before i sleep, miles to go before i sleep.