Raspberry Pi Tips

Update Raspbian

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2

1: Firmware and kernel module update

Note that before updating Raspbian or kernel module, think about backup.

  $ sudo rpi-update

Then command asks:

  WARNING: 'rpi-update' updates to pre-releases of the linux 
  kernel tree and Videocore firmware.
  'rpi-update' should only be used if there is a specific 
  reason to do so - for example, a request by a Raspberry Pi 
  DO NOT use 'rpi-update' as part of a regular update process.
  Would you like to proceed? (y/N) 

if OK, enter "y" and run update.

  *** Updating kernel modules
  *** depmod 4.19.114+
  *** depmod 4.19.114-v7+
  *** Updating VideoCore libraries
  *** Using HardFP libraries
  *** Updating SDK
  *** Running ldconfig
  *** Storing current firmware revision
  *** Deleting downloaded files
  *** Syncing changes to disk
  *** If no errors appeared, your firmware was successfully updated to bc987d9297647664a489496117e72484d71ee972
  *** A reboot is needed to activate the new firmware 

Then reboot RaspPi.

  $ reboot 

2: Package update

  $ sudo apt update 
  アップグレードできるパッケージが 169 個あります。表示するには 'apt list --upgradable' を実行してください。 

List upgradable packages

  $ apt list --upgradable 

upgrade packages

  $ apt list --upgradable 
  アップグレード: 169 個、新規インストール: 6 個、削除: 1 個、保留: 0 個。
  299 MB のアーカイブを取得する必要があります。
  この操作後に追加で 85.2 MB のディスク容量が消費されます。
  続行しますか? [Y/n] 

if OK, enter "Y" and run upgrade.

3: Delete unnecessary file

4: Check RaspPi version

  $ cat /etc/debian_version

5: Check RaspPi version (lsb_release)

  $ sudo apt-get install lsb-release
  $ lsb_release -a
  No LSB modules are available.
  Distributor ID:	Raspbian
  Description:	Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.11 (stretch)
  Release:	9.11
  Codename:	stretch

Refs: Update Raspbian Stretch with Desktop(Japanese blog)