Wala'a Nezar | Welcome

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Invention, Intellectual property, and Income

For this week assignment we had to develop a plan for dissemination of my final project.

I consider My final project as an accumulation of many excited ideas, I didn’t “invent” anything actually, and I like to keep it like that, but to decide the exact type of license I would like to put my project under , I read some articles about the .

It’s all about some few questions depending on your answer you choose your license first, do I want to allow commercial use or not, and then second, do I want to allow derivative works or not? If a licensor decides to allow derivative works, he/she may also choose to require that anyone who uses the work in a new project to make that new work available under the same license terms or not. this idea called “ShareAlike” and it is one of the mechanisms that (if chosen) helps the digital commons grow over time.

And for clear understanding, I made this simple illustration that shows the six type of creative common license.

Since I am a fan of the open source community, and I’ve always used an open source project to learn, I can’t think of my project in any way but an open source, so I decided to make it under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0 International License.


I think it’s early to think about this now, since I am doing only small scale prototype, but I guess in the future If I decided to make a business from this project, it will be selling kits for users rather than selling a full product just like Josef Prusa, hopefully it will be a grate product as his.

Here is my final project Presentation Video and slides