Wala'a Nezar | Welcome

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Final Project Development

My final project journey was full of excitement and challenges and things to learn. When I decided to make it, I knew that it will be challenging since I’ve never made a full project like that.

My final project initial idea was a wall hanged interactive world map, but due to time constraints and the fact that I doubted this idea a little bit late, I decided to narrow the scope and make it the ARAB world map instead of the whole world map.

But after finishing the work now, I realized the amount of work needed to finish this small area from the world, and knew that if I need to come back and make the whole world map, it really need to be redesigned to be made in a way that don’t need 3D printing and in a large scale so that the smallest country or island can be manufactured.

For example, in the Arab world map I couldn’t add a LED to the Bahrain country, since it’s very small and I couldn’t increase the scale of the map because the laser cutter size.

Another thing I couldn’t do due to short time was the user interface feature, I wanted to make inside the mobile application feature allows the user to select the countries that he visited in the past and save them under his name. so, whenever he selected his name, these countries light up.

I really like this feature, and I’m willing to make it after I finish this academy, it will add (Soul) to the project I think. It will be a digital scratch map like.