Interface and application programming


comparing some software, IDEs, languages, and platforms that I already used before.

Arduino IDE

doesn't need much to work with and it's very great for beginners and makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board, have a great interactive community, and have a lot of libraries 


Python is an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language, a really good programming language, has a big community, and can manage many types of inputs and outputs, my first time with it in the Input Devices the more I searched about it the more I got fascinated with all the libraries, IDEs, and documentation, and a good learning curve I sure that I'm going to learn more about it in the soon future.


It handles inputs and outputs very well and works with Arduino, and I can Integrate graphics, sounds, and interactive content. not very easy to use or because I hate java but it does the job.

Unity 3D

is more graphic and more toward AR and VR, as the other ones, like Processing and Python, depend more on codes and work better with inputs and outputs. It can deal with 3D graphics better than the other ones with real-time physics simulations and other features. The final program is usually a mobile application or computer software, and it can work with Arduino to make interactive games or controls.