Individual assignment: write an application that interfaces a user with an input +/or output device that you made
Group assignment: compare as many tool options as possible
I really didn't understand the assignment at first but I now realize we are trying to make a more sophisticated version of the serial port. Bascially make an interface we made. I started by checking out what other people have done in past years and then I looked into some tutorials. I started with this
A few things are becoming more clear... I need to be able to properly use a multimeter, I need to learn how to understand Arduino code, and I need to become more fluent in basic electronics.
When the program is run, the python interpreter runs the code sequentially.
So this is the path they set for us and it has been super helpful to understand these concepts as a foundation so I'll recap these.
For statements are great when you know how many times you need to do something. The range function returns a sequence of numbers. w3whas a good page about it.
These are great for when you aren't sure how many times you want something done and instead want something to continue happening while a condition is true. w3w again has a good page about it.
The print function outputs to the console whatever you say you want to print out. It can be good for debugging which is how I used it.
A GUI is a graphical user interface and at it's core it's something people interact with to get computers to do things... it is composed of interactive visual components for computer software.
For more information and insight about the application I created which interfaces with my input device, please see my findings here.