FabAcademy 2020

                                    COVID-19 IN MEXICO


As a result of the health contingency due to the COVID-19 virus, our academic authorities made the decision to limit access to the university to the essentials. This also includes the closure of all our workshops, including the Fab Lab.


This measure, which began on March 17, has greatly affected us, since the use of the Lab is essential for our development at the Academy.


However I am an optimist and I hope to return soon to the FabLab to spend the afternoons working in the assignements, and above all to eat a good pizza with my colleagues and instructors.



Several of us are trying to support our communities in some way. In my case, unfortunately my 3D printer is small, so we are printing ear protectors for all the people who use face masks on a continuous basis. In addition to that these protectors can also be used in children because they do not always have masks of their size and these protectors allow them to be adjusted.


These protectors with their respective face masks are donating to neighbors, security personnel, and workers of businesses and basic services in our area.
