FabAcademy 2020




In electronics, a "printed circuit board" (from English: Printed Circuit Board, PCB), is a surface consisting of paths of conductive material laminated on a non-conductive base. The printed circuit is used to connect electrically through the conductive tracks, and mechanically support, by means of the base, a set of electronic components. The tracks are generally made of copper, while the base is usually made of reinforced fiberglass, ceramic, plastic, Teflon or polymers such as bakelite.

Group Assignment


Characterize the design rules for your PCB production process


As a group we focus on the knowledge of the “Roland Model” tool. Once we learned the basics of how it works we started testing both file submission, material optimization, speed, and engraving detail




Individual Assignment


Make an in-circuit programmer by milling and stuffing the PCB,test it, then optionally try other PCB processes


This assignment consists of learning the use of the “Roland, Model” recorder, as well as the manufacture of a printed and filled circuit Board PCB. Personally, I had never used a Model recorder, using it and then completing the printed circuit and testing it and seeing it worked, it was very rewarding.

Configuration tests for milling

Calibration and engraving test

Final milling

Welding test. Since I haven't welded for a long time, do some welding on another board to practice

Board Soldier

Choice and component welding

Final test

