FabAcademy 2020




In 1967 Peter Houldcroft invented the cutting process with assistance gas and focusing nozzle. Two years later, the United Kingdom launches the first CO2 laser cutter.


The increasingly open and easy access to CAD programs has enhanced the use of laser cutters. Currently its use is relatively widespread. Nowadays, the laser cutter is used in various sectors, thus opening up great production and research possibilities.





This assignment is intended to learn how to use various digital cutting tools (Laser Cutter), for the manufacture of prototypes. The idea of this assignment consists in the realization of pieces cut in the laser cutter that allow to adapt to a curved surface. For this, the design consisted of making hexagons which will be joined together with other small hexagonal connectors, which, due to their design, will allow to adapt to the curvature of the surface where they will be placed


AutoCad design of the mesh composed of hexagons and subsequent location in the cutting wood



Preparation for sending the file to the laser cutter



Cutting of main hexagons of 3 different sizes to allow better adaptation to the curvature of the vertical element. Laser cutting of hexagonal connectors.



Vertical curved element and Hexagons with connectors



Final assembly


Group Assignment


Characterize your lasercutter's focus, power, speed, rate, kerf, and joint clearanc





