Accepted Academy Sites: Getting Started

If you Lab has fulfilled all the Basic Lab Expectations to Become a Fab Academy Node and passed the Applications and Assessment Process, your Lab are ready to start!

Prep Meetings

Local instructors and mentors will attend prep meetings each Wednesday at 08:30 EST. It is the opportunity to plan the weeks, to raise any significant issues and share experiences, advices and news.

Global Lecture & Recitations

Global lectures happen on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM EST check your local time especially when the Daylight saving time begins in USA , and last for approximately 3 hours. During the classes, professor Neil Gershenfeld both presents and explains the content and also reviews the work of the students. In addition to the classes, there are weekly Recitations held on Mondays 9:00 AM EST. These are content driven lectures related to the weekly assignments.

Local Working Groups (comprised of students and instructors) will attend lecture together via vide conferencing system.

Weekly Regional Reviews

Homework review sessions (optional) led by Gurus/Mentors will be staggered according to global time. Exact time will be confirmed by Gurus and communicated to Labs and students.

Checklist: Complete These Tasks Prior to 1st Class

  • Your lab has all the digital fabrication machines set up and ready for immediate student use.

  • You have ordered (or are working with the Fab Foundation to order) all the necessary course materials

  • Your lab meets the Video Conferencing requirements AND your lab has tested its functioning to ensure that:

    • your network can handle the bandwidth required

    • you have the necessary hardware

    • understand how to un-mute your microphone

  • Your lab’s Local Instructor is Registered, added to the Gitlab Project and to the Evaluation App. If you have not been receiving Gitlab notifications, or you are unable to access the Evaluation App contact Fab Academy Coordination

  • You have clearly communicated your student’s email addresses to Fab Academy Coordination so your students have been added to the "Class" environment.

  • You have WEEKLY SCHEDULE with your students for local tutorials, machine access, problem solving, homework review, etc.