Electronics Production

    Individual Assignment:
    Make an in-circuit programmer by milling the PCB, program it.


  1. • Roland Mill, SRM- 20
  2. • Digital Multimeter

  3. Softwares:

  4. • Fab Modules
  5. • EAGLE
  6. • GIMP

  7. Steps:

  8. • Download the PCB images (Traces & Outline) from Fab Academy Browser- Brian

  9. • Create a new folder on desktop called Aisha
  10. • Save both images (Traces & Outline) on previous folder
  11. • Open a website called Fab Modules : 3 sections will show on the top bar (Input Format, Output Format & Process)
  12. 1. Input format: insert image (traces or outline), I have started with traces first.
  13. 2. Output format: select the machine type you are using at the lab (Roland Mill).
  14. 3. Process: select the tool size for engraving on PCB based on the input format either PCB (1/64) or PCB (1/32).

  15. A- Traces’ settings
    In the settings of output, change the below only:

  16. • Select SRM-20 for machine
  17. • Add value 0 to x, y & z.
  18. In the settings of process, add value -1 to number of offsets if the input format was traces only.

    Click on calculate & save.

    B- Outline’s settings In the settings of output, change the below only:

  19. • Select SRM-20 for machine
  20. • Add value 0 to x, y & z.

  21. Click on calculate & save.

    Milling Traces & Outline
    Used two miling bits (1/64 & 1/32).

    Placed double-sided tape at the back of the board to fix it's place.

    Note: we need to pause from time to time during the milling process to ensure things are going smoothly.


    Based on this guide, I have prepared the compenents.

    Use Digital Multimeter to ensure PCB’s components are operating normally.


  22. Follow the process as it shows exactly on the this link.
  23. 1- Install the Atmel GNU Toolchain

    2- Install GNU Make
    3- Install avrdude
    4- Update your PATH

    5- Install Drivers for your Programmer

    5- Sanity Check


    USPtinySPI is showing on Device Manager.