Week 15: Machine design

Group assignment: actuate and automate your machine document the group project and your individual contribution

My contribution

While my teammates tested the engines and tried to figure out how to make the belts work, I focused on making a possible drawing that our the machine could make. To do this, I first had to inform myself about the g-code and understand how it works. G-code is the most widely used programming language for controlling industrial machines such as mills, lathes and cutters as well as 3D-printers. I found this interesting link for more informations.


Since I'm quite bad in programming, I just did a test of gcode following this tutorial.
Below you can see the list of steps that I have followed.

First I made a drawing, in this case a spiral

Then I followed the steps to create a Gcode of this image

This is what should appear

Go to Extensions - Gcodetools - Tools library and select cylinder

Using text tool (F8 key) change tool diameter to 0

Select your drawing and go to Path, Select Object to Path. Then again select again your drawing and go to Extensions - Gcodetools - Engraving. Go to Preferences tab, select file name GCODE.ngc and directory in which it will be saved

After clicking on apply I was stopped by an error

After several attempts (the only suggestion inserted was "home") I decided to look for the solution on internet and I found this other tutorial, where it was explained how to write the directory correctly.

Once I inserted the directory I returned on engraving and I selected apply. This window appeared:

But don't worry, this seems quite normal, in fact this is the result

The last tutorial's advice is that to open the file and remove header and footer

so I did it

And this is the gcode of our spiral


To test the gcode before sending it to the machine we first tested it on ChiliPeppr. I went to TinyG Workspace (here the link)

to get a preview of the drawing insert the gcode here (just open the file)

This is our result, and if you want to see the movement's preview just click on play a simple run of the Gcode

We made the spiral with our drawing machine but unfortunately we lost the video. The result was as likely even though the pen was unstable in some places. We had a lot of fun using it!

Go here for the group documentation

Here Bernabini's documentation

Here Lombardi's documentation