Project development:Project process.
In this assignement I am going to answer few questions related to the process of my project.
Assignment Questions
1. what tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
At this stage of my project development, the tasks that were remaining was to design and fabricate a table that would hold the system together. From the begining of Fab Academy I was always trying to do assignemets that are related to my project so I can save time towards the end of the course.
2. what has worked? what hasn’t?
Everything worked in my project. However, my initial plan for the Final project was to connect the 3D scanner in an Arc so I can adjust the position of the scanner to capture the scanned object from many angles as possible.

However, I did not do it due to time limitation and due to complexity.
3. what questions need to be resolved?
The main question that need to be solved is whether the scanning set will be practicle or not, and whether people are going to use for scanning purposes or not.
4. what will happen when?
During the project development process, this was my progress and the timeline I followed. Even though I left alot of works toward the end of the program I was able atleast to follow this schedual, which is easy, simple and it works with my other schedual plans.

When Fab Academy end, I will take a small break then I will get back to my project and try to modify it so it would be exactly as I planned at the beging of Fab Academy.
5. what have you learned?
As an electrical engineer, I had no background in mechanical design and 3D modeling. My final projects electronics system was very simple compared to the things I used to do in university. However, the mechanical design of my project was the challenging part. It took me time to understand how I am going to operate my project and what should be done to make the over all system to work. Therefore, I think I learned from my final project how to do a proper design and how to think as a mechnaical engineer!