Applications and Implications: Project Process
For this assignment we are suppose to answer few questions related to our project and the process we have until now. It is a very easy assingment and it helps alot in keeping the track of my project process.
Assignment Questions
1. What will it do?
A 3D scanning set for Kinect 3D scanner. A rotating arm will be attached to a circular field to rotate around an object to scan it. The objective of this project is to help patients with limb loss to scan their limbs and fabricate for them an artifical limb that has similar characteristics to their old limb.
2. Who's done what beforehand?
There are other 3D scanning methods that has almost the same idea. Like for example Einscan, they have a 3D scanning set with a turntable, that the scanner can be attached to. However this option cannot be used with the scanning human limb because obviosuly cannot be rotated 360 degree. Also there are other brands like Raptor3DX where the 3D scanner can move around the scanned object 180 degree vertically together with a turntable. However this option is way too limted in terms of size, and this cannot work in some kind of limbs.
There is also the Robotics arm that the scanner can be attached to, and it can move around the object freely. Companies like Kuka and ABB have a very good option of robotics arm that can be used with 3D scanner. However they are very expensive, and cannot be really portable, since they are very heavy and way too expensive to be moved from one place to another.
Another good option that can be considered is the handheld 3D scanner like Sense, Artec, and Einscan. These options can be the best choise when it comes to portability and the fact that can be very easy to use when scan human's limbs. However, because of the fact that they are portable the scanning results won't be very accurate and reailable, because human is the one who is going to hold it and rotate it around the object, which will increase the human error.
3. What will you design?
The project have the following parts:
1. A table to hold the entire system.
2. A rotating arm that would hold the 3D scanner.
3. Stable platform for the object to be placed on
And I am going to design all parts of the project entirely since I am chalenging myself in terms if I will be able to get everything done
4. What materials and components will be used?, Where will come from?, and How much will they cost?

5. What parts and systems will be made?
For now I think I will design and fabricate all parts of my project; the table, the rotating arm, and the platform. At the begining I was planning to add a small robotic arm to change the angle of the scanning area, but I decided to not do it at the time beining to not complicate the process of my project. This can be as a future process that can be added to the project.
8. What processes will be used?
I am going to use the following technologies:
1. Additive manufacturing.
2. Subtractive manufacturing.
3. Electronics design and production.
4. Embedded programming.
5. Networking and interfacing.
9. What questions need to be answered?
I think the main question here shoud be answerd is whether the scanning set will be practicle or not.
10. How will it be evaluated?
I think the evaluation should be in the scanning quality when using this scanning set.