Project Development

Presentation Files



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Project Plan


Is a device that can be attached to shoes or footwear to keep track of your daily steps count without being very obvious. so if you walked a 100 steps it light up only one led and for each 1000 another led will light up. untill all of them are led. The intial idea was that it will be compact and in one place something like the image bellow.
however going through the different assignment and learning about communication and netwroking made me fetched the idea better and i decided to make two separate parts that are somehow connected together wirelessly. one part will have the sensor and the other part will have the leds.


the obejctives are listed as follow:
- making the led part by molding and casting.
- making the sensor part by 3d printing.
- making the pcb and connect them together.
- finding a way to harvest energy by walking.
- putting everything together.


so thinking about the objectives and breaking them down further i noticed that there are alot of work to do and i need to simplify it so i removed the energy harvesting part for another time and ditrebuted the tasks as follow.
however nothing went according to the plan. some of the assignments took more time and effort then we thought specially the machine design and the mid-break wasnt put to good use when it comes to fab academy. the real project went something like this.

Bill of Material

i made my bill of material after the netwroking week however things changed alot along the way and the last BOM was developed on the last few weeks.

Project Interview

What Tasks have been completed and what tasks remain?
i managed to finish the tasks i want to finish for this project. 3d printing, molding and casting, pcb production, assembly and programming.
What has worked and what hasen't?
the device is working fine however there is a design mistake where the leds are not matching the open slots for them in the mold so i need to make them the same for the leds to be placed correctly.
What questions need to be resolved?
the main question is can i reduce its size to be practicle for real life use. as for now i made it big for its application.
What will happen when?
now i need a break so i will only return to the project after september and i will try to do a new design with compact size and led fit slots.
What have you learned?
i learned alot of stuff but to summrize it i can say now am comfortable with electronics, comming to fab academy the most scary thing for me was the electronics i manage to do two separte boards each with different application and they are communicating with each other. i could easily do something with mechanical parts and use the other techniques but taking this challange and overcoming this tought me that with determination, patience and little hard work i can overcome anything.