this week am working with esp and i thought i can make a simple interface using blynk to control led light on my output board. in arduino IDE from the additional board manager i add this link > then in tools > open board manager i downloaded the first option. then seleted the board.
on my phone i downloaded blynk app to develop my interface with the arduino. the steps are farely simple after creating account i created a project and nemaed it display as its job would be to display the data. then i chose the node MCU since am using that you can choose whichever you are using. then i revived an email with an authurizing code which will be needed in programming part. i added two buttons and connected them to digital pin and kept them both as push rather then switch.
for the code i used the one provided in the examples its a simple code you need to give it information to connect to internet and the authntication code from blyink to connect to the same project.