Input Devices

This Week's Objective

Add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it

Tools Used in This Assignment

final files


Designing the Board

For this assignment I want to use accelerometer.
First I tried making the circuit using Arduino and bread board to verify that everything am doing is correct. although the pins on the accelerometer are self explanatory but ti verify i used the data sheet to figure what it needs from power and everything else.

i just needed 4 pins the voltage and ground to power the sensor and SDA and SCL to transform the data. with this i stated building the circuit on arduino. i tried different modules of the MPU with the same code until i found the MPU/ITG this one i could verify that its working.
I got the results and the system is working. Now I want to translate this into a design then fabricate that. to make the board i needed to understand the atmega to make a compact fabdoino. so i got the datasheet for atmega 16u.

i used the atmega 16u and build my design around it i went all the way and fabricated it but the footprint was incorrect and the atmega that i had was bigger then the traces so i changed it to atmega 328p since other students in the lab were using it and it was the right size.

Making the Board

first i exported 3 files from eagle one for the traces one for the holes and one for the cut.
you can fine the files here traces drill cut
then i just uploded the files on roland and start fabricating them. for more details on operating rolland please visit electronic production assignment.
then i started soldering the componants on the board.

Testing the Board

i modified the code so that the date is manepulated in a way to count steps and i run the code.