Final project proposal


Is a device that can be attached to shoes or footwear to keep track of your daily steps count without being very obvious.although there are multiple options available but non of them is not eye catchy or eaily accessible. that is why TrackWalk is good for people who dont like to wear watches or forget to use thier phones or just dont like to be countinously asked about thier progress.

this is a simple sketch of the idea. the device is small and can be attached to easily. the led ligts will indicate the percentage of the goal achived. it will be in the inner side of the device so it wont realy be visible to people.

Gyrosensor will be used to measure the step size and count.

For now to power the device i will use batteries but in future i want to implement a previous fab academy project made by Aline Becq to harvest the energy from walking. togther i beleive it will make for a great package.