Week 15

Apr 30. Mechanical Design

Group Assignment

Design a machine that includes mechanism+actuation+automation, build the mechanical parts and operate it manually and document the group project and your individual contribution

Individual Assignment

We all collaborated in the design of the final machine, but my individual task was to design the frame for the machine.

Front Piece

location of pieces and placement on forst view, we decided it need a cloth cover up to make it a better spectacle.

Klocation of motors

We knew from the start we need two step motors to move our pendulum or center piece.

Hanging It

It was important to define how we were going to hang it, placement of material.

Opening on Back

We discivered in our very low tech prototype that we need access to electronics.

Component placement

First schematics for all components

Mechanical Test

Proof of concept before designing the final piece.


  1. BEfore designing anything in CAD we decided to create a very low tech model to see if everything was accesible, in the process we found out it was much more complex to access electronics from the back adn decided to change the final model to have all electronic components on top, making easier to breathe and accesible to be replaced if needed.
  2. Part of the tests were creating the central piece and trying out the mechanics of the effort by hand, testing our hypothesis before impleneting the idea.
  3. For further detail please go to our Fab Lab Puebla - Group Page