Week 12

April 3rd. Output Devices

Group Assignment

Measure the power consumption of an output device.


  1. Locate an electronics lab or at least a power supply, an ammeter and a DC motor
  2. Formulas used:
  3. Measure the energy consumption of anoutput device
  4. Calculate total current and compare with the power source
  5. Verify the measurements with different voltages
  6. We also tested with different resistances burning a few with the tests

Individual Assignment

Add an output device to a microcontroller board you've designed, and program it to do something

Outputs Schematics


Outputs Board


Soldered Piece (top)

All the components have been soldered.

Soldered (side)

The USB connector had to be soldered face up to avoid a short circuit.

Outputs Check

Before connecting into direct power, I checked with 5 Volts.


The light bulb turns on and off every two seconds.