During this week I decided to create application which will be connected to my Hall sensor board from “Input devices” week, will read incoming levels and show it on the screen.

As I am working as front-end developer and using JavaScript every day, I choose this language for implementation.

I want application to work everywhere, so I need to choose cross-platform solution. Electron framework is such solution.

Impressing list of apps, build on Electron:

Electron applications

I can bootstrap the application, by cloning the repository, as recommended in tutorial

git clone https://github.com/electron/electron-quick-start

After this, I have project template, ready to fill it with features.

Template project

For installing dependencies, I should type in console npm run install For development, I can type in console npm run start.

As I’m working with board via serial interface, I need library which will send and receive data through serial port. I searched some time and found serialport npm package, which utilizes this function.

What I should do is just type npm i serialport –save in my console, to install this package as dependency.

Main functions from this library is:

create connection to port const port = new SerialPort(magPort.comName, { baudRate: 9600 })

and then properly set up parser var ByteLength = SerialPort.parsers.ByteLength var parser = port.pipe(new ByteLength({length:1}));

All next actions dependent on what you want. in my case, I animate slider using received value of magnetic field.

Full repository I pushed to GitHub:
