LED ring for photography

The Idea

One of my favorite hobbies is photography. The idea is to get nice and even light source for the photography (and videography). We made a first version of this project on Oulu Science Hack Day, but it has some issues.

This is first version made on Science Hack Day in Oulu

Market. Why not to buy one?

The solutions that I've found on the market have their own issues. The most important:


My idea is to make a similar ring, but instead of using white LEDs I want to use addressed RGB led-stripe so I could control every led. That way I could make a light source by using wich I could adjust white balance on the final image.
List of main features:

What will it do?

Constant light source with RGB levels adjustment will give a wide range of possibilities for photography and videography. It can find a good application in:

Basically, it will read the analog signal from the regulators or digital signal from the APP via Bluetooth protocol and then shine the LEDs in the pre-set mode.

Concept of the final project.

What was done before?

The closest project I've found so far is a final project of Mohammad Elsayyed calledChandella. It's a Ring with an RGB stripe on it, equipped with the motion sensor. In my project I want to go much further in the color adjustment possibilities.

There're a lot of projects which use RGB LEDs. I really liked the wrapping Sehrish Khan did in her final project. She used Neo-Pixel LEDs to make a Segmented display.

Anothere final project with RGB LED stipe is KAT'S'CREEN - A TEMPERATURE GRAPH SCREEN by KATI PITKĂ„NEN. It's a matrix of LEDs which can display pretty much everything.

What will you design?

Materials and prices

My LEDs finally arrived to me and here's a short demo with Arduino Nano and 15 LEDs.

It seems you are using an outdated browser that does not support canvas :-( STL model of the ring. Approximately, I'll use about 270 LEDs for a 60 sm in diameter ring.

Questions to answer:

What processes will be used?