About me

Since I am little I like to build objects from my hands. Growing up, I continued to build, whether small objects (lamp, furniture …) or larger (buildings). I like working mainly wood because it is a warm materials, easy to work and especially renewable. I was particularly introduced to wood carving in Senegal and I continued practicing. Then I discovered the concept of FabLab, with its machines and their potentialities, and I very quickly adhered to the ethics carried by the movement (FabLab Fabfoundation). This is how my adventure at La Machinerie started.

I am Benjamin LEMAY. I am a FabManager and co-fouder of the “third-place” called La Machinerie located in Amiens in the north of France. The main activity of La Machinerie is the FabLab with 13 hours open session by week. I’m responsible for the open sessions, workshops and especially for NEET people, and training cursus for everybody.

My background

I was born in Amiens where i still live. I’ve studed civil engineering in Amiens and Paris and i got my master degree in 2009. Then i traveled in India and Nepal for 7 months. I studied in the IMT Lille Douai engineering school in master degree to get a specialisation in building energy efficiency.

Previous work

2006-2009 Project manager (working-student) for property developper. I was in charge to plan and coordinate the construction projects and to make the budget and administrative follow-up.

2009-2010 Sabbatical perdiode to travel in Nepal and India.

2010 Volonteer for the german cooperation in Mauritania as technical advisor. Reponsible for the construction of faire-trade stores in south Mauritania country-side.

2011-2013 Project leader for l’Agence de l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger in Morocco. Responsible for school construction projects.

2013 My sister, a friend and I founded au non profit organisation called Utopic to travelled 6 months by bike around the France. The aim of this trip was to meet people and organisations who tried to find solutions to the multiple crisis (climat, social, politic and economic…).

2014-2016 Selfemployed as prime contractor specialized in building energy renovation.

2015-2019 Fabmanager for our Fab Lab La Machinerie.