Week assignments

Propose a final project masterpiece that integrates the range of units covered, answering:
  • What will it do?
  • Who's done what beforehand?
  • What will you design?
  • What materials and components will be used?
  • Where will they come from?
  • How much will they cost?
  • What parts and systems will be made?
  • What processes will be used?
  • What questions need to be answered?
  • How will it be evaluated?

What will it do?

My final project will allow a chessplayer to play against anyone in the world on a physical board without any screen once the game has begun.

Who's done what beforehand?


There is a DIY project working on LiChess made by Fred Just:

This project is using magnets and reed sensors and integrate itself onto an allready existing chessboard.
There is no update on this project since march 2016.
The documentation is accessible here in french.

Shadow Chess

A FabAcademy project was about to make two connected chessboard connected by WiFi and with automaticaly moving pieces:
Link to the project

Square Off

It is a commercial chessboard which is at 389$. It is functionning with an app and is connected to chess.com.
You can find more information on their website.

What will you design?

The chessboard and the chesspieces

What materials and components will be used?

Part Price Vendor
4mm plywood 23,80€ Local vendor
copper tape 62,95$ Amazon
4*7 segment display 3.61 Digikey
ATTINY to confirm to confirm
USB cable to confirm to confirm
USB smd header to confirm to confirm

What parts and systems will be made?

  • I will cut the chessboard and the chesspieces into 4mm plywood.
  • I will detect moves capacitively with copper tape.
  • I will send/receive data to the computer through USB cable.
  • I will inform the player of the move play by the opponnent with 4*7 segment display.

What processes will be used?

I will have to use the lasercutter for the chessboard and pieces.
I will have to use the vynilcutter for the PCB.
I will have to program an interface for the player.
I will have to program the sending of the player moves to the website.
I will have to program the sending of the opponent move to the seven display

What questions need to be answered?

How to manage a clean connection under the board? Will the capacitive detection will be accurate enough through 4mm plywood?

How will it be evaluated?

The chessboard will have to be accurate in a game.
It will also have to be as affordable as possible and easy to build in any fablab.