Akhil Joseph


principles and practices

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Akhil Joseph

Fab Accadamy 2019

January 20, 2019

Invention, Intellectual Property


I love music and also interested in making so I decided to combine both. I am making a machine to play flute. Inspired from many machines which already play music, I also designed a machine which can play flute.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories:

Industrial Property includes patents for inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications.

Copyright covers literary works (such as novels, poems and plays), films, music, artistic works (e.g., drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures) and architectural design. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and broadcasters in their radio and television programs. The prototype can be an open Source installation and product under MIT license.

The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2017 AKHIL JOSEPH permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this product and design etc. To deal in with the codes of the product and to make the product with the same or modified without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, publish, distribute, sub license, copy, modify, merge, and/or sell copies of the machine.

If you are working with the codes / hardware of the prototype then subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of product.

List of Licenses that can be used or taken by any individual/ company/group:

  • MIT License
  • Apache License
  • BSD License Creative common (CC)
  • Mozilla public license version 2.0
  • Apache License
  • GNU General Public License (GPL)

I will go with the Creative common license (Attribution Share alike) because I want to increase the network of interest in work and to increase the efficiency of work. This is because certain design elements that I have worked on can be taken further. They can later be developed in a major work to increase the scale of the prototype in terms of individual component or adding range of multiple components together.

I chose Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 for all the work that I have produced and shared here on the fab academy archive as a part of my Fab academy course. The work done by me can be used as a benchmark for someone who needs the data and can explore the idea further to a different level, may be on a different trajectory but cannot use it for commercial purpose.


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


The music playing machine is antique and can be commertialized when the machine is more accurate. The museum can have such kind of musical instrument and it can also replace one person in the band.

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project management

January 20, 2019