Assignment: Complete your final project, tracking your progress:
- What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
- What has worked? what hasn't?
- What questions need to be resolved?
- What will happen when?
- What have you learned?
I have come quite along with this project and i am almost done.
What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?
Tasks Completed
- Final laser cutted model is ready
- Milling and fabrication of MOSFET modules
- Control board is ready
- CNC milled the water tank
- 3d Printed the solenoid stand
Tasks Remaining
- 3d printing of water distributor
- Assembly
What has worked what hasn't?
- Had to scale water tank
- 3d printed water distributor but it leaked, have to print it again with higher infill density this time
What questions need to be resolved?
- Do i need diffused front covers rather than transparent?
- Should i operate both solenoids with one pwm pin or i need two separate pins?
What will happen when?
- I need to mill the water tank with scaled dimension by tomorrow afternoon.
- Also i should 3d print water distributor with better infill density and test it too by tonight
- I must integrate whole system by tomorrow night
What have you learned?
This final project has been an great opportunity of learning. The project integrates diverse techinques. I have had some basic experience of electronics circuits. However most of my projects are just PCBs with dangling cables and makeshift packaging. Through this project I went a step further and designed for variety of machines includiing laser cutter, shopbot, srm20, 3d printer etc. With this project the best thing i have learned is to learn from mistakes and look for the improvement always. Also with this project i have earned some know-how about what tools can be used and how much do they cost for a particular application.
Documentation during development
This is one of the most important take aways for me from this course. During this course I have come to understand how a project should be documented and including source files, procedures followed and results obtained.
I can honestly say If I had better comprehension of the process, several of my reports could been much better.
Spiral development
As from the lecture of Prof. Niel I understand that based on this project it is possible for me upscale my ideas and try different design techniques for effective outcomes.

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Copyright © 2019 Azmat Hussain