14. Networking and Communications#
- Author : Asako Okazaki (Fablab Kamakura)
- Date created : 03/30/2019
- modified: Kai Naito 04/25/2019
Class site#
Class video#
week14. Networking and Communications
Assignments & Goal#
Refer to Assessment page
Group assignment
- send a message between two projects
Individual assignment
- design, build, and connect wired or wireless node(s) with network or bus addresses
Learning outcomes#
- Demonstrate workflows used in network design
- Implement and interpret networking protocols
Have you?#
- Described your project using words/images/diagrams/schematic screenshots.
- Explained the programming process/es you used.
- Outlined problems and how you fixed them
- Included design files (or linked to where they are located) and original code
Can we use arduino/commercial boards for networking?#
Answer: You can not use Arduino or similar commercial microcontroller boards. You can use a commercial wireless module in your own PCB. For this week, you can use the original satcha-kit/fab-kit/fabduino.
Must each board have a unique identity?#
Answer: It does not have to be hard-coded but you must use some form of addressing.
- 無線ネットワークはデバッグがとても大変なので、やってみたい場合、まず有線通信をこなしてから取り組むことをおすすめします。
- 各ラボ最低1つドキュメンテーションがあれば要件はクリア(ただし課題に全員が関わったことを見せる必要がある)。ラボの中で複数グループをつくってもOK。
- グループページのアップロードの仕方
する。 - 各々個人ページからグループページへのリンクをはること。
individual assignment(5h)#
design, build, and connect wired or wireless node(s) with network or bus addresses
Hello serial bus
- ラボにあるモジュール Modules available at Fablab
Bluetooth: RN4871-V/RM118-ND * blog:Using with arduino
- インベントリにあるが、モジュールが日本国内対応のモジュール
- インベントリにはないがラボにあるモジュール
Group assignment(3h)#
- send a message between two projects
For next week…#
Graduation ceremony will be taking place on 4th of August at Cairo.
- on Monday 9:00 EST, 23:00 JST
Asia Regional Review:
- No review due to the schedule change of Global session.
Class on Wednesday 9:00 EST, 23:00 JST