11. input devices#
- Author : jun kawahara (Fablab Kamakura)
- Date created : 03/01/2019
- modified: 03/20/2019
Class site#
Class video#
Assignments & Goal#
Refer to Assessment page
:confused: Not yet updated for 2019 evaluation standards
The second half of the Fab Academy programme is designed to build on the previous weeks. You will be synthesising information and implementing skills that you were introduced to in the first half of the programme and encouraged to integrate these into your final project proposal.
Group assignment
- Measure the analog levels and digital signals in an input device
Individual assignment
- Measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it.
Learning outcomes#
- Demonstrate workflows used in circuit board design and fabrication
- Implement and interpret programming protocols
Have you?#
- Described your design and fabrication process using words/images/screenshots or linked to previous examples.
- Explained the programming process/es you used and how the microcontroller datasheet helped you.
- Explained problems and how you fixed them
- Included original design files and code
Is the satsha kit/fabduino I fabricated considered a valid board for this assignment?#
Answer: Fabricating an unmodified board is considered as electronics production. It doesn’t count towards any design skill. You must make some significant changes to the original satsha kit/fabduino, for the board to be considered your own design.
- グループ課題について
- 各ラボ最低1つドキュメンテーションがあれば要件はクリア(ただし課題に全員が関わったことを見せる必要がある)。ラボの中で複数グループをつくってもOK。
- グループページのアップロードの仕方
する。 - 各々個人ページからグループページへのリンクをはること。
Group Assignments#
使えるラボの機材 Tools available at Fablab
- Tektronix TBS1052B
- Analog Discovery 2
- 2 Channel
- 帯域幅 Band:30 MHz
- サンプルレート Sampling:100Ms/s
- Software : Waveform virtual instrumentation software
参考 examples
Individual Assignments#
ラボにあるセンサー Sensors available at Fablab
- タクトスイッチ Switch
- ホールセンサー(磁気センサー) Hall Effect
- 温度センサー Temperature sensor
- 235-1109-1-ND(サーミスタ NTC)
- 光センサー Light sensors
- PT15-21C/TR8 (可視光 visible)
- 加速度センサー Accerometer Sensors
- マイク sound
- 感圧センサー force sensing resistor
授業で紹介されるがラボにないセンサー Sensors not in lab inventory
- 焦電型人感センサー Hc-sr501
- 秋月で売っている類似品:焦電型赤外線センサーモジュール
- 超音波測距センサー Hc-sr04
- レーザーToF測距センサー VL53L0CXV0DH/1
- 赤外線 1080-1379-1-ND
- 焦電型人感センサー Hc-sr501
For next week…#
- on Monday 9:00 EST, 23:00 JST
Asia Regional Review:
- on Tuesday 13:00-14:00 JST or 22:00-23:00 JST
- video conference for meetings:
Class on Wednesday 9:00 EST, 23:00 JST