About Me !
Hello World ! My name is Rodrigo Arruda, and I can´t tell how proud I am to be part of FabAcademy 2017. Together with tree colleagues, professors from Insper school of engineering in São Paulo-Brazil, we embrace the challenge of a “hands on” course of digital fabrication inside Insper FabLab. Our goal is to experience new methodologies and apply it forward in our own classes.
I´m a automation engineer graduated back in 2001, worked in eletro-electronic industry for 5 years. Also worked 10 years as a consultant in Metal-Mechanic fabrication processes and product development for industries in south of Brasil
Got my Master´s degree in Materials Science in 2004 and PHD in industrial Fabrication. I´ve been teaching engineering classes for over 12 years. Work in Insper School of Engineering in São Paulo - Brasil.
Passionate for "doing it yourself" and build things form scratch ! We started one of the firsts FabLabs in Brasil inside Insper in 2014 as a part of a great academic project to stimulate "Hands ON" and "learn by doing" as the DNA of the new Engineering couses.
Where am I ?
“Design must be functional and functionality must be translated into visual aesthetics, without any reliance on gimmicks that have to be explained. ” — Ferdinand A. Porsche
“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. ”— Steve Jobs
“I think design would be better if designers were much more skeptical about its applications. If you believe in the potency of your craft, where you choose to dole it out is not something to take lightly. ”— Frank Chimero
Let's Chat
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