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Our FCTFabLab Group decided to work as a single project both assigments Mechanical Design and Machine Desing.
So the my documentation on Machine design is included in the page for Mechanical Design
To work as a team, we'd decided to have complementary roles, organized as fallows, where I'm MP
Task allocation: Day 2 MP | LC Breadboarding do PCB Code test, based of OpenScan on breadboarding Day 3 AR | LC | MP Sketch Machine variables OpenScan code Day 4 and 5 AG | MP | AR pcb milling Code documentation CAD design and Documentation Day 6 AG | LC | MP Schematics Schematics Day 7 AG | LC | MP Layout and milling PCB milling and soldering Day 17 MP | LC | AG Milling Milling Day 18 (Sabado) MP | LC | AG | AR Milling and Assembling Assembling / Debug Day 19 MP | AG | AR Documentation Documentation Day 20 AG | MP | LC Debug / Documentation Debug / Documentation Day 21 MP | LC | AG | AR Movie and presentation prep Day 22 MP | AG | AR All in personal presentation.
group assignment: - actuate and automate your machine - document the group project and your individual contribution←