
Project Management

Build a personal site describing you and your final project.



Upload it to the class archive.

Materials, tools and software

Codecademy (Software)
HTML (languages)
CSS (languages)
Notepad++ (Software)
Git Bash (Software)

Build a personal site and final project.

Codecademy - My Web

To create my web site, I used Notepad++ this is a software of Microsoft Windows, which support some programing languages. To learn this software I subscribed in


Codecademy It is an interactive platform to learn different programming languages. In this platform, I learned HTML and CSS course.
For create my web site. I use whit HTML + CSS languages in Notepad++.

I edit the images in Photoshop to cut and modify the size to change the size and resolution to a suitable format for the web page.

Website development tools

To develop the web page we use HTML and CSS language with which we will be responsible for making the changes within the styles of the text.

One of the main steps to take into account is the base structure of a web page as seen in the image.

To more of this we have several tools of code with which we are delimiting the area of text, titles, images, among others.
We have tools such as "DIV", in which we will define the actions to be carried out and some others such as "H1, H2, H3" with which we add the different types of titles that we have on our website. We also have the tool of paragraph "P". These are the main ones for text development. we also have the tools of photos, videos, links, other.

My finale Website

Version control protocols

The software for version control helps us to obtain a record of the modifications we are making throughout the editions in the different web pages or files that we upload. For this git lab helps us to carry this record in which we can recover previous versions in case of any problem with new modifications or edifications of the files.

Open source version control systems


Is a free, distributed source control management tool. It offers you the power to efficiently handle projects of any size while using an intuitive interface. It is easy to use and hard to break, making it ideal for anyone working with versioned files.


Traditional version control systems such as Subversion are typical client-server architectures with a central server to store the revisions of a project. In contrast, Mercurial is truly distributed, giving each developer a local copy of the entire development history. This way it works independent of network access or a central server. Committing, branching and merging are fast and cheap.


Mercurial is free software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or any later version.


CVS is a version control system, an important component of Source Configuration Management (SCM). Using it, you can record the history of sources files, and documents. It fills a similar role to the free software RCS, PRCS, and Aegis packages.

CVS is a production quality system in wide use around the world, including many free software projects.

Work through a git tutorial.

Update Repository

In order to carry out the processes in Git Lab we had to solve a conflict with the user of the previous year and this year.
To solve this problem, I started a session with a new user in the git lab without using the user of fablabs.io (the user of last year).

Once solved this problem we load the web page.
To can update, I use the Git Bash software in which you can modify or update data in your repository. To do the process in Git Bash, I help my friends in the Academy because they can't update because of problems with their permissions.

To can clone the repository, I view the tutorial of last academy of Roberto Gallo and Andres Moreno. In the next link can take the video in Spanish:


In the "git.fabacademy.org" web site can take the link of the repository. We located in the folder in which we want to clone the repository, right click, and choose GIT BASH HERE. Once opened the window git we enter the code GIT CLONE (link of repository), with this download the repository and can update the info.
To update process:

1.git pull

(download updates)

2.git status

(view the status of the files)

3.git add *

(add new files or changes to files already uploaded)

4.git commit –m "any name"

(save local repository)

5.git status

(view the status of the files)

6.git push origin master

(save global repository)

In the following images you can see the steps mentioned above to upload the information

In the following images you can see the steps mentioned above to upload the information

Once the page is loaded to be able to visualize it, we proceed to create a file in GitLab which allows us to show all our loaded files.

To create this file we enter in GitLab with our user name and password

Add a new file

In template we choose .gitlab-ci.yml and choose an HTML file

change the commit message and save.


In this week I was able to experiment in the creation of my website for which a programming language was used, the choice was HTML.
To learn more about the aforementioned programming language take a course in "CODECADEMY" where I could know more about this language and the main operating processes to structure a web page.
Also taking into account how to work through the protocols of control version and to know several of them to choose the most appropriate for the method of use that is needed in this process.