For Designing the website, I decided to go for website having css and js tags, since I had learnt HTML and wanted to explore more, for that I searched and downloaded a css template and manipulated the css and js tags to get what we see it now.
For this I downloaded a template from this website
For both of the things I did seek for help on, and some of my friends, both of the sources proved to be very helpful i terms of knowledge and development.
The tools that I used and I do personally recommend are listed below:
During the process there were several problems that I faced, due to lack of adequate practice few of them
were solved completely and some are left to be solved later, Those Being:-
The first major problem that I faced was generating a code behind the submit button below the equiry tag of contacts.html
During the process I tried to learn PHP and MY SQl but due to extreme shortage of time, I did'nt preferHence this case was solved, but due to further more issues I have not been successful to upload the code over git lab, since I am unaware of how to connect the local server from the website which is pushed over the web, through PHP(or it is possible or not), So for the time I prefered to stick to the learning further skill rather than pushing all the energy over one, to which I would be returning later.
The second problem I faced was actually a set of two small issues.
1st thing i faced was, every content used to run over the fixed header
for which after a lot of trial and error method i came to the result, which can be concluded as..
"If the content runs over the fixed header, find a class in the header tag which is responsible for the entire alignment, locate it in the style.css and add the following command "z-index='any integer more than'" and the problem gets solved
2nd thing I encountered that the fonts that I had used were being displayed on my machine (since they were installed) but when I pushed the website online all these fonts came to basic.
The result of troubleshoot was, most of the times it is the firewall of the individual computers, that avoided the command being called on the browser,
For that I tried various methods like :
1. Copying the path files in style tag in html
2. Adding font tags and their paths in style.css and calling te classes in the div tag
But none of it proved to be usefull
So finally I went to try out the google fonts and embade them into the header tag and adding them to css,
which I further called in the html tag. And it showed the results....
Version control as its name suggest is a platform that lets you access your entire document and its changes over a passage
of time, i.e even if you mess up at a particular step say while giving attributes to some image, (in a long code)
considering the error it is physically tiresome to locate and correct the error, This is where version control helps you by saving
every backup and change as different versions of same file.Thus on a click you can see where have you fumbled
Git lab is a similar kind of platform that enables version control and also helps pushing you the website to the desired domain
(in this case
Also git is a free platform (if every document is public) to host all your work.
Initially after the completion of my website, I had decided to install Debian Linux but there had been some issues with the
reading of image file in my machine.
So after a tideous process of searching the problems, I finally decided to use the ubuntu app, which provides an interface of linux
terminal and windows cmd(bash)
There are few setting that are actually needed to be configured before installation,
1.the windows must be updated to latest version
2.enable the package of linux from windows tool
Then after it actually is easy that you can install it from the windows store directly, but in my case it gave me some errors
so i went to command prompt and applied command of "lxrun /install", it asks you if you wish to proceede tap "y" and your installation would be done
This Actually proves to be a better solution than dual boot since you have a common platform to edit stuff in your website
and push it where as in the case of dual boot you have to edit stuff in windows and push through linux
Once Git is installed there are few simple steps which are to be followed exactly to get the perfect results and make
the work easy.
For configuring git there is a sequence of steps which runs as follows: