Modella MDX540

The workflow with the Modella MDX540 will be described now. first thing to do is to redesign on software Eagle and the board export it as a PNG image with monochrome parameter.

Fig1. Only layer top need for export file.

Fig 2. Then, to generate the Gcode

Fig 3. On Fabmodules, it displays as shown:

Fig 4. In the Roland MDX 540 I used software Vpanel.Import to G code generated at Fabmodules to VPanel.

Fig 5. This is the final work on Roland MDX 540.

Fig 6. Solder gun preheat the board, and then put flux moore easy

Fig 7. Then I soldered the different components with soldering gun. I my case, I used FLUX paste to help in the soldering. the components is ready when the color change to silver.

Fig8. Temperature on the solder gun.
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