Youngsik Kim - fabacademy 2018
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Week11. Input Devices

group assignment:

measure the analog levels and digital signals in an input device

individual assignment:

measure something: add a sensor to a microcontroller board that you have designed and read it.

1. measure the analog levels and digital signals in an input device

pcb work


At first mill, there are some missing area trace cut. I thought the patterns
are not uniform, so deside retry to make mill again same origin position.

input input

Finally clean surface after 3 mill cutting.(It seems to make not sure tide screw mill to chunk.)

First load input test

I use Atmel Studio 7 to make firmware, and python to monitor the signal.
- 1. Just put the code hello.load.45.c in AtmelStudio7 IDE, compile and upload to load test board.
- 2. In directory, try run it with Gitbash
-> there ware no data output, so I try to find some error point within my environment.

input input input

Above two pictures, I assume that something wrong in programming.
So I compare fab achives tools to my toolchain.


Here is the main point. My Native Compiler version avr-gcc version 5.4.0
But, in fabacademy archives shows that avr-gcc version 4.9.2.
So I try to change compiler version. I can hardly to find that version.
By the way, that makes some 0 byte size download file.
**Here I attatch for the error state message file.:

log file for error state in use avr-gcc version 4.9.2

Here I choose another compiler
WinAVR2010 version that contain 4.3.3. It works well to produce as below result.

input input

input input

Second txrx input test


download files:

• load touch test board
input input
- eagle work files :download file(zip format)
- PCB image for CNC : trace file | outline file

• txrx touch test board
input input
- eagle work files :download file(zip format)
- PCB image for CNC : trace file | outline file

• board program
- First load input test: load45.ys.c(modified c-code for AtmelStudio7)
- Second txrx input test: txrx45.ys.c(modified c-code for AtmelStudio7)
• PC Serial test python program
- First load input test:
- Second txrx input test:

| Week10 | Week12 |