Principle, Practice and Project Management




1.Build a personal site describing you and your final project.

2.Plan and sketch potential semester project and it to the class archive.

Leaning outcomes

1.Explore and use website development tools.

2.Formulate a final project proposal

3.version control protocol.

Now I have

1.Made website and described how it work.

2.Introduction of myself

3.Document the steps for uploading files to the archive

4.Pushed to the class archive


During the week I mainly spent time in understanding what the FabAcademy was and getting used with a new environment this page collects the work I did with GitLab and web design by using the text edit called Notepad++.

version control project manager

version control project management consists of using that software is the management of changes to document large web site and other collection of information changes are usualy identifier by a number or letter code.


the website we use for document our work is actually hosted on GitLab repository we use that GitLab to save the work and website in repository.first is to open the folder in Git bash and we use the Git command.

open folder in GitLab

first open the folder that i want in GitLab then we use the Git command.

GitLab setup

that are the way using to configure the user name and email that are using in GitLab

existing folder

need help

we use that when we have any problem.

create new repository

that repository as the same as like database that are used to store the information.

ssh key

we use the ssh key to configure the license to use in GitLab

web design

my website is concerned to download the free template website of html 5 and css 3 and after download the folder i can copy the index.html in many file first colled assignment, project, contact, about me and i can start to edit file by file that is my way using to build my owner website and i can download the text edit colled notepad++ using that text edit is that text edit using to create or to build my owner website my website i have the five title are home, about me, assignment, project, contact, and i can create the link in my website and i continue to build my website every day thanks .

my css part

my website i have the file colled css in my website using to edit the color of every things of my website and the size, height, width of my website.

after building the website and configure the GitLab I'm push

Git status

we use that command to check the status of folder

git add

we use that command to add the file

git remote

we use that command to login in master.

existing git repository and push

that are to take the folder of machine to put into to repository that is like a database.


about GitLab

the first is i don't the gitlab because is the first time that we face gitlab in my life i don't know the command that are used in gitlab.

about website

the challenges that i have when build the website is to face many problem because is our first time that i can face to me the language colled html and is our fist time to use text edit colled notepad++. i don't know how to create the link and how to create the title and i don't know how build website with template and i don't know the css and html language etc.because in build of website we have the skills of 0% in building my owner website thanks.

my project proposal.

mini radar by using ultrasonic sensor and arduino

my project how it works

working principal of my project proposal

my project proposal called mini radar by using the ultrasonic and arduino my project it have the input output and we have the application interface and connect the aplication interface by using serial communication in my project the input are the ultrasonic sensor using to detect the object by using the ultrasound. and the output are servo motor using to rotate the ultarsonics sensor and buzzer using to produce the sound if there is an object.


because i have the dreams to become a designer after finish that class my dreams it become true because i want the skills that i need to use in my project and i was helpeful in my expectation to become an expert in embedded system and sofware developer we that skills that come in fab academy class to solve the issues that i have in our country and we use that to facilitate our country in technology .