my background

personal identification

Name: Hakizimana

Surname: Jean claude

Date of birth: 22/02/1994

Nationality: Rwanda

District: Nyarugenge

Sector: Kimisagara

Sex: male

Tel: +250728645392/+250787591962


background of education

2014-2016 Advanced diploma in electronics and telecommunication at T.C.T (Tumba College of Technology).

2011-2013 Advanced level at Gahogo Adventist Academy in M.P.C (Math Physics and Computer).

2008-2010 Ordinary level at G.S Remera Rukoma.

the benefit that i have in fab academy class.

the fab academy Course was nice course because I use that course to do a good implementation Of project and develop some ideas that we have in my career that course it helpful about me to increase my skills in embedded system the fab academy courses increase your mind to find our big project and use my skills that i have about fab academy course to solve the issues that i have in my country thanks.

my expectation that i have in fab academy class.

my expectation that i have in fab academy class is to become an expert in embedded system. In that class I’m increases the skills in embedded system Which could help me in our project that I have because i have many i ideas in my career that course teach about me every that i need in embedded system thanks.