mechanical design.


On Mechanical design i try to modify simple things like dimension on Fabricatable-machines which made by Jens Dyvik More info

On this week we try to make refer to shopbot for making small CNC machine by using plastic material. But it fail by it doesn't moving very well plastic material. Actually this week it group assignment me i try to work on cutting and assembling all part of our machine

After getting all files i generate DXF files(2D)

Machine design

On machine design we try to make refer to shopbot for making small CNC machine by using plastic material. But it failed because it doesn't moving very well on plastic material and gain our step motor it has low power(force) by complier than what we refer Actually in short, Our step motor is not support our machine because is to heavy. this is our step motor we try to use

this is step motor Jens Dyvik that use

Actually this week it group assignment me i try to work on cutting and assembling all part of our machine.